Viktor (Vikezor)

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mccree is good you fucking dink-ass

Banter level2
Age16 (see: Ancient Free Software Engineer Biology)
AffiliationsLP:MC The Finish branch of the KKK
Past affiliationsFugsi SEALs

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Finish National Guard

Finish Air Force
Physical description
Height"173cm? HAHAHAH" - Jack's friend (actually 173.7)
Dick length"16.5cm?? hot..." - Bailey and Jack
Mental disordersAbulia Absence epilepsy, Acute stress disorder, Adjustment disorder, Adolescent antisocial behavior, Adult antisocial behavior, Agoraphobia, Alcohol abuse ,Alcohol dependence, Alcohol withdrawal,Alcoholic hallucinosis, Alzheimer's disease, Amnestic disorder, Amphetamine dependence, Anorexia nervosa, Anterograde amnesia, Antisocial personality disorder, Anxiety disorder, Attention deficit disorder, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Autism, Autophagia, Avoidant personality disorder, Atelophobia, Asperger Syndrome, Barbiturate dependence Benzodiazepine dependence, Benzodiazepine misuse, Benzodiazepine withdrawal, Bereavement, Bibliomania, Binge eating disorder, Bipolar disorder, Bipolar I disorder, Bipolar II disorder, Body dysmorphic disorder, Borderline intellectual functioning, Borderline personality disorder, Brief psychotic disorder, Bulimia nervosa, Caffeine-related disorder, Caffeine-induced sleep disorder, Cannabis dependence, Claustrophobia, Catatonic disorder, Catatonic schizophrenia, Celebrity worship syndrome, Circadian rhythm sleep disorder, Cocaine dependence, Cocaine intoxication, Cognitive disorder, Communication disorder, Conduct disorder, Cotard delusion, Cyclothymia, Delirium tremens, Depersonalization disorder, Depressive disorder, Derealization disorder, Dermatillomania, Desynchronosis, Developmental coordination disorder, Diogenes Syndrome, Dispareunia, Dissociative identity disorder (also known as multiple personality disorder), Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, EDNOS, Ekbom's Syndrome (Delusional Parasitosis), Encopresis, Enuresis (not due to a general medical condition), Erotomania, Exhibitionism, Euphoria, Factitious disorder, Fregoli delusion, Frotteurism, Fugue State, Ganser syndrome (due to a mental disorder), Gender dysphoria, Generalized anxiety disorder, General adaptation syndrome, Grandiose delusions, Hallucinogen-related disorder, Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder, Histrionic personality disorder, Huntington's disease, Hypomanic episode, Hypochondriasis, Kleptomania, Korsakoff's syndrome, Difficulty understanding banter Only plays a healer or McCree

no on elikes vikezor

vikezor was the tertiary antagonist of Grand Theft Auto V, being the first Asian villain in the Skyrim franchise.

Allegllegedly be (0.2 * homosexuality) but later after an intervention, revealed to be menosexuality

He appeaClaimed to allegedly be (0.2 * homosexuality) but later after an intervention, revealed to be menosexuality

He appears to not bers to not beed Hom homosexual.

Claimed to allegedly be (0.2 * homosexuality) but later after an intervention, revealed to be menosexuality

He appears to not be